Let me get this clear. You are not a State Senator from TN. You are not a US Senator from TN. You are State Senator from GA. Ok so you are the chair of the GA Senate's Transportation Committee so thinking about airports is on your plate. And your district is up near TN.
Are you a SFB? Where is your allegiance?
What about an airport in GA? What could the Republican Party do to attract more votes outside of the ATL suburbs? How about an airport south of the city where development is a bit sparse, not north of metro ATL where things are booming?
Let's blue sky:
Draw a line between Macon and Columbus. Go halfway between and a bit north. Lots of agricultual land with not enough water -- those of us in metro and to the north want it. Buy land. Build an airport.
ATL wants to build a new terminal for $1.5 billion. Probably could do this new airport for about that much. S GA wants development and could use roads. Build high speed roads to Macon and Columbus. Build high speed rail to ATL. Put it underground for security.
What do you have?
If weather causes a problem at ATL, you have a place to send planes without diverting them to places not connected to ATL.
Congestion reliever for ATL -- notice how long planes wait on runways at ATL.
Lots of jobs in places where the government has long said it wants to increase jobs.
Good connections between the metro area and two other centers of population -- within GA.
I'll wager if you and your comrades under the golden Dome can surface your heads you can come up with more advantages.
the voting Republican but fed up with stupidity pup
p.s. Maybe we need a new political party -- the Progressive Conservative Party -- its motto:
I'm not with stupid