Monday, October 22, 2007

Jacques Brel is alive and well and bitching and whining in ATL via Paris

Why couldn't the Alliance/Hertz have done the whole show in French? It would have been unoffensive -- well mostly so. The bit with the red flag was crap without words.

Or drop the words entirely -- perhaps use oohs aahs and falalas.

Oh yes! I wonder what Peter Schickele would have thought of the higher female voice. Pretty voice but you couldn't hear her if another voice was present, esp the lower female voice. Somewhat like his concerto for lute and bagpipe. Or was that P D Q Bach's?

Of course this was all fine because the uncomfortable chairs covered with thin cushions made one forget the pain in one's brain.

Who says all terrorists are turban-headed camel-jockeys? Certainly we can add a bad slice of the French to this, starting w/JB.

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